Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Two Thumbs Up

We are starting to fall into a rhythm here at TT. Wake up, 8AM sign in, 8:30AM YOGA. 10 - 12PM eat/study/sleep. 12PM Sign in. 12:30 - 4PM lecture. 4:30 Sign in. 5PM Yoga 9PM sign in. 9:30 - 2AM Lecture/Movie/Clinic. The days go by fast. The nights, particularly after 9:30PM, go slooooowwwww. BUT last night we had a pretty darn good Bollywood flick. I would recommend it and it's available in English. It was Khabi Khushi - Khabi Gham. And it's all about family dynamics. (plus a lot of jerky dancing in leather outfits) The dancing is really funny. Who knew the Indian people had those moves? Dang. Lack of sleep is making some (ok me) feel more emotional. Our AM yoga teacher today said, "you can't be in a bad mood this early in the game". It's only Wed. of week two. Suck it up. I'm a mother and I usually get my PJ's on with my kids (3 and 7) back at home at 8:30PM so this is really hard. I nearly fell out of my chair on the ground last night asleep. Maybe if I fall and hit my head they will let me go sleep? My yoga practice, on the other hand, is rocking! I'm definitly improving every class. It feels great and makes me happy. Still loving everything... keep me in mind and send me good vibes!!!


  1. I am very much enjoying your blog and have put it on my favorites list. If that is not cool, just ask and I will remove it. I envy those that get to go to TT and love to read about it. Good Luck!! Peace.

  2. I wonder why you guys are subjected to so much bollywood! lol....

    Good to hear that your yoga is rawkin. I sometimes fantasize about taking some time off and then doing nothing but Bikram. lol....

    Sounds like you've got a great groove going.

    1. Hi there. The Indian culture of learning involves movies! Can u believe it. I can now !! Thank u for reading!
