Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Leading during The Storm

I've been practicing Bikram yoga for a little over four years now. During that four year time frame, I have been a "stay at home mom". I worked for a couple Pharmaceutical companies, Abbot Labs and Novartis, in sales before that. I bring this up because I haven't really been out in the "working world" since starting my practice. This past weekend was the first time I was in a leadership role, had 30 people reporting to me over the Festival weekend. The festival was put together, last minute, fast and furious by a wonderful person, Mary Hurja. I met Mary, by chance, (if you believe in chance, I don't) three weeks before the festival. She planned a massive festival and needed a lot of help. The reason I bring this up is because I'm often asked how yoga has effected my life. Changes that I have experienced from the way my mind or body felt before Bikram. This last weekend really gave me some concrete data to help answer that question. I felt that I was "in the zone" all weekend, in terms of performance. I haven't had people directly report to me before, but I found that it was seamless and the answers to multiple problems, "situations", or just making decisions came very naturally to me. People responded extremely well and soon staff that I didn't have any responsibilities for started asking me for answers as well. I can bring this back to yoga. I had one woman who was involved with the festival from the beginning tell me, multiple times, that I was so calm and collected and organized throughout. She couldn't believe it. In the mist of a shit storm, I was calm and dealt with multiple issues at once, with nearly perfect outcomes. That is yoga. Bikram yoga calms the mind, teaches you how to breath again, and understand yourself better. I was told after the festival ended that I'm a natural leader. That meant a lot to me, because prior to starting yoga, nobody would have said that to me. So, people.... do your yoga!!! It's hard, but you will see so many positive changes!

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